Around 1,313 businesses in Canada are categorized as Convention and Trade Show Organizers which encompasses of organizers, managers, and promoters of all kinds of events, shows, and meetings. Running an event in Edmonton requires a lot of rules and regulations to be met. When you are organizing an event, you have a duty to care for your attendees and staff. A well-documented safety plan takes into account, all the safety elements pertaining to the event and associated procedures. Here is a guide to creating an event safety plan to ensure safety and security.
Assessing Your Venue’s Suitability
Event managers need to evaluate the venue before setting up the event. Event securities ensure the venue is designed in a way that it’s safe for the attendees and the staff to work efficiently. Draft a site plan so that the document is available to all workers on site. After the finalized concept of the event, you need to know the suitability of the location by considering the following factors.
- The capacity of audience on the site
- Workforce size
- Duration of the event
- Time and season that the event is taken place
- Existing hazards
- The proximity of the site to emergency facilities like hospitals and fire services
Conduct Risk Assessment
Event organizers need to ensure site sustainability while considering the dangers that were listed down. Following are the risks that need to be considered seriously.
- Equipment- Make sure the equipment does not have any short circuit risk. The cables and wires should be arranged in such a way that it does not obstruct the movement and people do not trip on it.
- Crowd management- Assure that the exists have sufficient space for people to move out without overcrowding and stampeding
- Crew safety- Provide safety for the crew from occupational hazards such as falling, or accidents while lifting or carrying heavy loads.
- First aid- Avail sufficient amount of first aid on the site with qualified first aid staffers.
- Children- Consider the risk of children getting lost and train the staff to be vigilant in watching children.
- Weather- Rain can cause slippery ground, and strong winds can affect any structures on site. High temperature can cause overheat to the equipment. Consider the climate of the location and take all the necessary precautions.
- Fire- Make sure enough fire extinguishers are there on site especially near the cooking area.
Have An Emergency Plan
Prepare an actionable emergency plan for your team, in case any of the aforementioned risks turn into reality. It is crucial to make your team members well aware of the emergency plan. Large events should include police, fire, and ambulance on the site. Mention all available escape route and security services in the plan.
Ensure Staff Follow Safety and Security
Creating an event safety plan is of no use if there is no prevention. Create checklist among the team members to ensure that they follow the instructions. Use notices or signs as guidelines for the staff to implement. Calculate and monitor the risks before and even after the event.
Careful planning and good organizing is an essential part of the outdoor safety plan. Safety is a crucial part of the overall event. Outsourcing the event security and safety services to a professional security provider would be a wise decision.