Home security can be a fragile thing. Burglars and criminal elements are on the prowl to break into vulnerable homes and offices. Due to the high amount of stress generated, by committing such nefarious activities, criminals can be easily spooked. You can implement some easy cost effective tips to keep your home safely protected from burglaries.
Lock your doors, windows, garage
We cannot stress how effective this simple step is. Remembering to keep your doors, windows and garage shut will keep most amateur thieves at bay. Thieves always look for an easy target. Keeping, any of the above mentioned entrances to your residence unsecured is as good as asking them to break in.
Know your enemy
A survey showed that estimated burglaries last around 60 seconds. During this period, thieves prefer to hit designated locations in the house for valuables. These designated locations are commonly the dresser drawers, cupboards and fridges. Keeping this information in mind, adding extra locks to safeguard these locations or moving valuables from them altogether is a good idea.
Get new locks
When moving into a new home, you would be wise to replace all the locks previously installed. Simply because you do not know who may have a spare. New homes are provided with poor locks and this is a security hazard. Getting a new set of locks, will make sure you sleep soundly at night.
Get a dog
Of course, this advice is not for everybody. However, if you live in a single family home with a backyard keeping a dog makes a lot of sense. Make sure you get a dog that has more bark than bite. Criminals will want to avoid any kind of noise and this fact makes loud dogs all the more effective.
Cut down the undergrowth
For the kind of skulking around burglars do, bushes and trees provide the perfect habitat. Keep the undergrowth around your home short and tidy. The less cover for them to hide in, the less motivated they will be to break in.
Install floodlights
Burglars move in the shadows. Installing floodlights at the entrances to your home will intimidate them from coming any closer. Floodlights throw really long shadows, so if they do attempt a burglary, they can be spotted by folks in the vicinity.
Get an alarm system
Now, I know getting an alarm system is not really simple or cost effective. However, However, homes protected by an alarm system are automatically less likely to be burglarized by thieves.
Concerned that all these precautions aren’t enough? You can supplement your security with alarm response teams , video monitoring and security guards from GPS security. Our services include catering to businesses, events, organizing neighborhood mobile patrols, and maintaining crowd control at malls. We employ and train the best security professionals who have police/military backgrounds. Their knowledge combined with our expertise makes us the best Security Company in Edmonton.