Security guard protection on an industrial site is a matter of choice of course. But to ensure smooth functioning and the safety of people working there, hiring a team of security guards (depending on the size of your plant) will always prove its benefits.
So how can a security guard protect your industrial site?
Visibility deters criminals
Being one of the responsibilities of a security guard, he needs to be visible to make potential criminals think twice about breaking in or committing a crime. Make sure the security team at your industrial site is visible to people and they are constantly patrolling the area and on the vigil.
A state of alertness
One of the important reasons why on site security guard protection is beneficial is they can spot any activity and take actions accordingly. For example, you are in an oil plant and there is an oil spill or something or the other goes wrong. On site security guards can notify the concerned authorities and take the necessary measures till the people arrive to clean it or rectify the problem. A state of alertness maintained by security guards can save a losses in terms of assets, finances and mainly lives of employees too in certain cases.
A strong sense of perception
Security guards need to be able to understand when someone is trying to distract them from performing their duties. He should be able to detect strange sounds, such as when someone is secretly trying to open a door. He should be able to sense it when someone is cleverly trying to divert his attention off his duty. And he should be able to interpret quickly whatever he sees.
Immediate and correct response
Not only does a security guard sense crisis; he acts fast to control the situation. So, a security guard must always be alert to avoid being caught unawares. How a security guard responds to crisis varies depending on the threat. A security guard must know how best to respond to various dangerous situations.
Checking and monitoring
Sometimes, a security guard would be required to maintain certain rules and policies as laid down by his employer. Individuals may require that visitors be searched before granted entry or that only visitors for which an appointment has been earlier fixed should be granted entry. Similarly, organizations may require their employees to show their ID cards before being granted entry into the work premises. In such cases, a security guard must check and ensure that all the rules and obeyed.
If you are looking to hire a professional security guard or a team to watchover your industrial site, you can check out GPS Security Group which is one of the best security companies in Calgary. The duties of a security guard performed well, ensure the safety of your assets and human lives too.
Image source: https://www.eldoradoinsurance.com/